Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm a little different...

I love ads.

I read the ads in my Vogue before I read the articles. In fact, I read my Vogue front-to-back, then back-to-front, put it down then come back to it a couple of hours later to read.

I love watching the ads during television show breaks and wondering what the strategy of the brand is for placing that specific ad at that particular time. I have an odd fascination, I know.

There are few people who share this love, and in fact hate ad breaks; my Mum does. Yes, you're right, it might be "The Man" just trying to get you to buy something else, like my Dad says, but the genius behind the execution of the ad is what has my attention.

Here's something fun for you to do tonight when you watch...well, whatever's on tonight; take notice of the ad, whether it made you laugh, cringe, or wish you could run out the door to late night shopping. Then see if you remember what the product was or the brand at the end of the ad.

This way you can be entertained during the marvellous ad breaks. And if it is "The Man" trying to get you to buy some insurance for your goldfish, at least you noticed and now you've got one up on him! (That one's for you Dad).

Here's one of my favourite television commercials at the moment:


  1. thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog today. so happy you gained a little insight and inspiration for your own blog. keep up the excellent work here :) xoxo - julie

  2. lovely :-)


  3. Thanks for dropping over, Jules! x
