Saturday, May 14, 2011

Love Stories

In my mind, Tiffany's New York 5th Avenue location is heaven on earth for any sane woman on God's earth. This past week I spent some time there, because I am a sane woman.

The Tiffany's brand is a brilliant case of life breathed into jewelry products. For women, the idea of an engagement ring from Tiffany's is filled with romanticism and desire.  Each year, thousands of visitors to New York City drift through the Tiffany doors, float around the engagement ring level, and then without doubt head to level 3 where the affordable silver bracelets are housed. Once there, they purchase their own piece of romanticism from New York City.

For years, Tiffany's has lead the jewelry industry as they engage their audience with their gorgeous romantic images in Central Park, walking through the snow in New York, and an embrace of a newly engaged couple. Their current in-store placements take their in store advertising to a new level of Love Stories.

One window outside Tiffany's had an iPhone and an engagement ring. The iPhone showed a series of text messages between a man and a woman. The man was asking when she would be home from work, she responded that she had to work late and then make a stop before coming home. He told her not to worry, to come home, he's made her favourite dinner....and then the ring next to the phone symbolized his pending proposal.

Then inside the store was a post-it next to a engagement ring and a set of house keys that read "Come and go as you please, but please never leave me".

There was one close to my heart; there was a airline ticket to Canada and a ring next to it symbolizing great love across distance.

As I watched the customers in Tiffany's walk by these placements it shifted all their moods. It brought smiles to faces as they would appreciate romanticism alone and then would call their friend/mother/daughter/husband over to share with them. Yesterday, with these simple placements of romance, Tiffany's shifted the mood of their customers. It was beautiful to watch, and genius on the part of Tiffany's.

Simple romance is back.

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