Thursday, May 26, 2011

It Gets Better

One thing I love is a good cause with strong support that rallies a community. An amazing campaign at the moment is the ‘It Gets Better Project’. “It's aimed at LGBT youth who can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them.” - Dan Savage, the force behind this project.
When I was in Washington DC recently, I was walking past the White House and passed a man in a black suit, carrying a brief case and in place of a business shirt, he was wearing a bright purple t-shirt that said "It Gets Better". I thought, is this dude the face of the campaign or what? In this same moment, I could relate to the notion that it does get better. 
As a teenager, I was teased at school as I was a competitive swimmer and had muscles, and for other ridiculous things like the size of my nose. I remember dreading what these kids would say to me each day and could never think of anything witty enough to say in response to make myself feel any better. For too many teenagers, bullying is an everyday occurrence. 
One thing we all can do is wear an ‘It Gets Better’ purple t-shirt. Wear it for the LGBT kids, wear it for any kid who is bullied during their days because I know and you know it DOES get better. I happen to love my muscle-definition as I'm getting older; they're so functional! It means I can help a lot more when moving house for example. 
I love my life and I can only pray and act so that teenagers today know It Does Get Better. Join the movement, watch the videos and get your shirt here:

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