Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reebok EasyTone/NoTone

Reebok is paying a pretty sum to the Federal Trade Commission, $25M in fact. Why? Because they lied in the worst possible way. They told women that if they were to wear their Reebok EasyTone, then their butt and thighs would shrink and tone. I mean, way to be cruel. 

We all know the answer to shrinking and toning is the treadmill. We all wish the answer to shrinking and toning was as simple as putting on a pair of shoes, sitting on our butt, and watching Breakfast at Tiffany's while the inches disappear. 

Reebok is paying the largest fine in recent FTC history and in addition, has been ordered to allow their consumers to return the shoe for a full refund. To lie about the effectiveness of a product is foolish for any brand. It will damage a brand's reputation and relationship with consumers. For a sporting brand like Reebok, it's foolish to show flaws in your research and design when competitors like Nike and Adidas are killing it in that arena. 

I agree with the FTC's decision. I also secretly think there are some women on that FTC board who heard about this shoe, bought them immediately, wore them every day and saw no results. Of all the products to lie about, Reebok, a lesson for the future: don't tell women you're going to shrink their butt and thighs! They will find you.

You may ask..."but the Kardashian's endorsed them...doesn't that mean they work?" Umm, no. 

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