Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Do you love something that is so terribly over, but still hold that lit candle HIGH? You do. For me, this is Queen. I listen to Freddy Mercury "ride his bicycle" and sing to his "best friend" pretty frequently. I will seriously rock out while walking down the street and mostly it's at home where I can hit notes that would make Freddy proud. Yesterday would have been his 65th birthday and Google paid tribute with a viral video. I'm psyched. 

I'm psyched for more reasons than one: obviously the man was a TALENT, but also it means there are others that think like me. I'm not the only person who wants "best friend" as the first dance at her wedding. The geniuses over at Google think the same and then went to the effort of a viral video campaign. Totally approve. 

There's something about Queen's music that can lift any mood and make anyone just excited to ‘be’. In my current state of harassing agencies until someone notices my glittering talent, I will be listening to Queen every single morning and then I'll blog. How about that? 

I'm out of the closet now. I love Queen. Yes, I'm listening to Queen right now...and so can you, just like 1,053,149 others have. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Word. Don't Stop Me Now...I love it and I'm not ashamed any more! :)
