Thursday, March 3, 2011

blog post uno

so I'm pretty excited for my first blog post.

Producing this blog has been on my mind for about a year, but coming up with a name and figuring out which one of my thoughts is actually worth sharing took a while to work out, then today it hit. I got my name and I got my first post brainwave. Hizar! Here goes....


I'm 26, grew up swimming competitively until I was 18 in Queensland, which means I trained outdoors twice a day for a good 9 years. Under the direction of both my parents and my coaches I used to slather sunscreen on every session. I remember hating the sunscreen because it would make my goggles slip on my face and they'd fill up with water with every stroke.

My family would spend our weekends in our backyard, camping, playing sports or swimming carnivals. For my brother, sister and I applying sunscreen every three hours and wearing a shirt was merely an inconvenience to our rad games of digging holes to China until today...I just had a mole removed from my back.

I am expecting the results to tell me it was a safe mole, and that my scar on my back will be a minor detail. But how important is it that my parents Slip, Slop, Slapped me into a slippery white mutant?

Hey everyone, SLIP SLOP SLAP!

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