Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Remain Relevant

Relevance is the key success factor in any organization. Relevance of your mission and values to what you do, how to achieve your goals, and how you are perceived amongst your consumers and the community. The challenge is then making sure your audience is aware of what you're doing. Enter marketing and social media. These tools increase online conversation and interest that stems into action amongst your audience. Then, you're relevant. 

I think this creates a segue to giving a perfect example of someone who is relevant to his mission and values: Charlie Sheen, Fiat and DIRECTV. Recently, Fiat and DIRECTV have been able to capitalize on the bold enigma that is Charlie Sheen in their advertising strategy. Both brands have stayed true to their marketing strategy to promote their product and brand value while Charlie Sheen does what he does best, living large (please don't make me type Winning). It's 2012 and the man's still relevant.



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